Read and store KASCADE data.

Read data files provided by the KASCADE collaboration and store them in a format compatible with HiSPARC data.

This module contains the following class:


Read and store KASCADE data files.


Find HiSPARC and KASCADE events that belong together.

class sapphire.kascade.StoreKascadeData(data, kascade_filename, kascade_path='/kascade', hisparc_path=None, force=False, progress=True)

Initialize the class.

  • data – the PyTables datafile

  • hisparc_path – path to the group containing HiSPARC station data.

  • kascade_path – path of group where KASCADE data will be stored.

  • kascade_filename – filename of the KASCADE data source.

  • force – overwrite existing KASCADE group if it already exists.

  • progress – if True progress info will be shown.


Read and store KASCADE data matching HiSPARC data

This function looks at the HiSPARC event data in the specified datafile and then processes and adds KASCADE data surrounding those events, for later coincidence processing.

class sapphire.kascade.KascadeCoincidences(data, hisparc_group, kascade_group, overwrite=False, ignore_existing=False)
search_coincidences(timeshift=0, dtlimit=None, limit=None)

Search for coincidences

This function does the actual searching of coincidences. It uses a timeshift to shift the HiSPARC data (we know that these employ GPS time, so not taking UTC leap seconds into account). The shift will also compensate for delays in the experimental setup.

The coincidences are stored as an instance variable (self.coincidences). Final storage can be done by calling store_coincidences().

  • timeshift – the amount of time the HiSPARC data are shifted (in seconds). Default: 0.

  • dtlimit – limit on the time difference between hisparc and kascade events in seconds. If this limit is exceeded, coincidences are not stored. Default: None.

  • limit – limit on the number of KASCADE events investigated.
