Common utility functions¶
The module contains some commonly functions and classes.
- sapphire.utils.ERR = [-1, -999]¶
Error values used to indicate missing or bad data. Code -999 is used if the reconstruction of a quantity failed. Code -1 is used if that detector/sensor is not present.
- sapphire.utils.c = 0.299792458¶
Speed of light in vacuum in m / ns.
- sapphire.utils.get_publicdb_base()¶
Get the HiSPARC Public Database base URL
This can be configured by setting the PUBLICDB_BASE environment variable to the desired URL.
- sapphire.utils.pbar(iterable, length=None, show=True, **kwargs)¶
Get a new progressbar with our default widgets
- Parameters:
iterable – the iterable over which will be looped.
length – in case iterable is a generator, this should be its expected length.
show – boolean, if False simply return the iterable.
- Returns:
a new iterable which iterates over the same elements as the input, but shows a progressbar if possible.
- sapphire.utils.ceil_in_base(value, base)¶
Get nearest multiple of base above the value
- sapphire.utils.floor_in_base(value, base)¶
Get nearest multiple of base below the value
- sapphire.utils.round_in_base(value, base)¶
Get nearest multiple of base to the value
- sapphire.utils.closest_in_list(value, items)¶
Get nearest item from a list of items to the value
- sapphire.utils.get_active_index(values, value)¶
Get the index where the value fits.
- Parameters:
values – sorted list of values (e.g. list of timestamps).
value – value for which to find the position (e.g. a timestamp).
- Returns:
index into the values list.
- sapphire.utils.gauss(x, n, mu, sigma)¶
Gaussian distribution
To be used for fitting where the integral is not 1.
- sapphire.utils.norm_angle(angle)¶
Normalize an angle to the range [-pi, pi)
We use the range from -pi upto but not including pi to represent angles.
- sapphire.utils.angle_between(zenith1, azimuth1, zenith2, azimuth2)¶
Calculate the angle between two (zenith, azimuth) coordinates
Using the haversine formula, from:
- Parameters:
zenith# – Zenith parts of the coordinates, in radians (0, pi/2).
azimuth# – Azimuth parts of the coordinates, in radians (-pi, pi).
- Returns:
Angle between the two coordinates.
- sapphire.utils.vector_length(x, y, z=0)¶
Length of a vector given by (x, y, z) coordinates
- Parameters:
x,y,z – vector components.
- Returns:
length of vector.
- sapphire.utils.distance_between(x1, y1, x2, y2)¶
Calculate the distance between two (x, y) coordinates
- Parameters:
x# – x parts of the coordinates.
y# – y parts of the coordinates.
- Returns:
distance between the two coordinates.
- sapphire.utils.make_relative(x)¶
Make first element the origin and make rest relative to it.
- sapphire.utils.which(program)¶
Check if a command line program is available
An Exception is raised if the program is not available.
- Parameters:
program – name or program to check for, e.g. ‘wget’.
- sapphire.utils.memoize(method)¶
Memoisation cache decorator